Sunday, January 15, 2023

Button in the Garden and Seeing Some Magic

 It's been a little bit since we posted. I've been very busy making miniatures for an upcoming miniature show, and Button had kind of a rough time. Maybe someday we'll post about it, and maybe not. 

But for now, Amelia has gone home, Leah is running the book store and being my Etsy model and Button is enjoying having her little garden all to herself again. 

Her friend Sandra asked how the plants were doing, and Button is particularly pleased with this one so she wanted to show it off. 

This is the side of the garden that wasn't trashed by turkeys, and she says they're all coming up really nicely. 

I still have no idea what button seeds grow into, but I guess I'll see. -shrug- 

While Button seemed content to hang out in her garden, tonight she asked me if she could hang out with me while I make stuff on my (incredibly messy) workbench. 

Could be because I was working on chocolates and candies today. Hmm. Maybe. :) 

Anyway, while I work on miniatures I sometimes watch magic lectures & stuff.

Button said she didn't know anything about magic and hadn't seen any of it before, but she settled in with some candy, and started watching the magic show I had going in the background. It's one of my all time favorites, and I've probably watched it 80 times by now: David Parr's "Cabinet of Curiosities".

I hadn't told Button about the magic side of my life. She seemed SUPER impressed with David's show. She kept asking me "You know him? You know this magician? Really?!?"

And yes. Yes I do. I'm really lucky like that.

So now Button seems pretty fascinated with magic, but we'll see. She could just be a little hopped up on all that chocolate.

If you like magic, or even if you think you don't, you should check out David's magic.

There have been times in my life I thought I didn't love magic anymore, and David is one of the magicians that showed me that yeah, I really do love magic. His magic is elegant and amazing. He's got a YouTube channel where you can see for yourself. And it's even got his Penn & Teller "Fool Us" performances on there.

Check him out, and you may be just as impressed as Button was. :)

- Wendy
Wylde Kingdom Miniatures

Saturday, January 7, 2023

A Very Small Sleepover

 It is 2 a.m. as I write this, and I think they're finally asleep. 

As you know, Amelia was coming to spend her vacation with Button, and she arrived on Tuesday. They have been busy and there's been a lot of laughter coming from Button's Garden. 

But today, we were joined by a new friend: A little doll named Leah. 

Leah will be running Wylde Kingdom Press, the book shop and publishing company here in the Wylde Kingdom. But today I also drafted her into being a model for our Etsy page -

She's a great model, and I appreciate her so much! But to be honest, I wasn't really ready for her to arrive yet. So I didn't have a place for her to sleep!

The plan was that she was going to take the weekend off, and she'd be staying with Button and Amelia, but I knew that Button's tent wasn't going to be big enough for three little dollies!

I convinced the dollies to watch a movie so they wouldn't be in my hair while I worked. (Apparently my Kindle is a bit like a big screen TV, and I fully expect I'm losing it to Button when she has a house.) 

And when they were done watching their movie, I had a place for Leah to sleep! A tiny tipi! 

Leah seemed to approve! 

Also, I can't put my finger on it, but I something tells me they may have been doing each other's hair during this sleepover. :) 

I had gotten Leah's tiny tent done just in time, because the little dolls were tired and ready to sleep. 

Finally! :)

It's been a long day. And I think that now _I_ am going to go to bed too. 

Night night. 

- Wendy 
Wylde Kingdom Miniatures

Monday, January 2, 2023

Ready for Amelia's Visit (?)

Button is very excited that her friend, Amelia, is coming to visit. She arrives tomorrow. 

I made the mistake of asking Button "Do you think Amelia is going to be okay with sleeping on the floor? Didn't she sleep in the bed last time, and you slept on the floor?"

Which lead to Button fretting like I've not seen before. So... I had to do something. I grabbed some scrap wood and made two little cot thingies for Amelia's visit. 

You can't really see them, 'cause the second the glue was dry, Button put the sleeping bags and mats and pillows on them. But they raise them up off the ground, and give a little bit of storage space, which is a good thing. 

Button seems to approve, which is really the important thing. 

She said she's also very excited to show Amelia the Christmas present she got from TC Tahoe, artist, writer, world famous magician (Button just thinks that's so neat. Someday we'll have to see him perform live) and friend to dollies.

He sent her this beautiful Raven to decorate her tent, and she just loves it. She thinks Amelia will be very impressed. 

"Thank you, TC!" Button says. 

So I think we're finally ready. Maybe. And now Button is trying to relax. She mentioned maybe watching something on Netflix, or just surfing the web. 

She is so excited about having another dolly around. I think this is going to be really fun.  

- Wendy 
Wylde Kingdom Miniatures

Sunday, January 1, 2023

Staying Up Late With Button

Happy New Year, everyone! I think Button was rather confused by the whole thing, since everything is still kind of new to her. She was asleep in a box for 15 years, and hasn't been up and around for all that long yet. But she does hope everyone had a nice night, doing whatever they were doing. 

Tonight, she's up very late, she's very excited to be fixing up her tent.


As it turns out, Button's friend, Amelia, the display doll, really only works during holidays, which means she'll have most of January off work. Button immediately asked if she'd like to spend her vacation in her garden, and Amelia accepted! 

Apparently I should've made a bigger tent, but I think she's got it sorted so they'll be pretty comfortable. Amelia is off work as of the 3rd, so I imagine she should arrive sometime Tuesday. 

Button also got a fun addition to her garden. 

This little pergola was built by a sweet lady named Diane Shepherd a long time ago. Button spotted it in the box o' random miniatures and thought it would look nice in her garden.

"Neat, huh?" says Button. 

So Button was up quite late, getting the tent all fixed up and enjoying her new "thinking spot" as she calls it. 

So, I am going to bed. And Button will be soon too, I imagine (I could see her yawning, though she didn't want to admit it.) I don't know how much sleep she'll really get, though. She is VERY excited about Amelia coming to visit. 

But I do know that we both wish you sweet dreams and a wonderful night! Thank you for stopping by! 

- Wendy & Button
Wylde Kingdom Miniatures