When we last left Button and Amelia, they were having a sleep over and had just thrown the turkeys out of the tent.
The turkeys seemed none too pleased about this.
None too pleased at all.... and the next morning, Amelia and button saw exactly how these unattended turkeys had expressed their displeasure.
The turkeys had gone wild in Button's garden, knocking things over and pulling up seedlings.
They had eaten many of the button seeds, and actually seemed quite pleased with themselves.
I grabbed a basket (now a turkey containment unit) and the girls wrangled the turkeys into it.
Button gently scolded the turkeys, but she didn't seem particularly angry. "Turkeys gonna turk" she wisely said, and while I have no idea what that means, I found myself nodding.
As they surveyed the turkey damage, Amelia offered to help with the clean up, though it would make her late getting back to her decorative post (the holidays are a very busy season for a decorative doll, turns out). But Button told her she had it handled, and that she'd come visit Amelia at work later and let her know how it went.
While Button was a little sad about the state of her garden, she was quite pleased to see that the turkeys had only attacked half of it, and the baby plants on the other side of the tent were still safe and sound.
And with that, she got straight to work. The turkeys ate some of the plants and a lot of the seeds, but some of the seedlings were just pulled up and could be replanted, and so she got right to it!
We've been invited to help decorate my family's Christmas tree, but I think Button might be too involved in fixing up her garden to attend. We'll see.
P.S. No turkeys were harmed in the making of this blog entry. While Amelia thought they should be immediately given away, Button wouldn't hear of it, and they've been returned to their home. But I think that Button has decided on no more turkeys in her garden. I don't know what she'll do when she realizes that plants attract critters. Well, I guess we'll see....