Saturday, November 26, 2022

Turkeys Gone Wylde!!!

When we last left Button and Amelia, they were having a sleep over and had just thrown the turkeys out of the tent

The turkeys seemed none too pleased about this. 

None too pleased at all.... and the next morning, Amelia and button saw exactly how these unattended turkeys had expressed their displeasure. 

The turkeys had gone wild in Button's garden, knocking things over and pulling up seedlings. 

They had eaten many of the button seeds, and actually seemed quite pleased with themselves. 

I grabbed a basket (now a turkey containment unit) and the girls wrangled the turkeys into it. 

Button gently scolded the turkeys, but she didn't seem particularly angry. "Turkeys gonna turk" she wisely said, and while I have no idea what that means, I found myself nodding.

As they surveyed the turkey damage, Amelia offered to help with the clean up, though it would make her late getting back to her decorative post (the holidays are a very busy season for a decorative doll, turns out). But Button told her she had it handled, and that she'd come visit Amelia at work later and let her know how it went. 

While Button was a little sad about the state of her garden, she was quite pleased to see that the turkeys had only attacked half of it, and the baby plants on the other side of the tent were still safe and sound. 

And with that, she got straight to work. The turkeys ate some of the plants and a lot of the seeds, but some of the seedlings were just pulled up and could be replanted, and so she got right to it!

We've been invited to help decorate my family's Christmas tree, but I think Button might be too involved in fixing up her garden to attend. We'll see. 

P.S. No turkeys were harmed in the making of this blog entry. While Amelia thought they should be immediately given away, Button wouldn't hear of it, and they've been returned to their home. But I think that Button has decided on no more turkeys in her garden. I don't know what she'll do when she realizes that plants attract critters. Well, I guess we'll see.... 

Friday, November 25, 2022

The Doll in the Cabinet: Part 2

When we last left Button, she was certain she had seen a dolly about her size in my mom's cabinet of knick-knacks.

And she was right!!

There WAS a doll! A little pilgrim lady and two turkeys! 

Button was immediately fascinated, and tried to start up a conversation with this pretty little Pilgrim lady. The Pilgrim said she couldn't really talk just then, she was at work, but that if Button wanted to come by a little bit later, she would be happy to tell her everything she wanted to know.

Button found a rocking horse, and entertained herself with rocking horse rides while she waited. 

Later that night, when the Thanksgiving festivities were all over, the little Pilgrim declared she was off work, and Button invited her to come see her garden!

The little Pilgrim was happy to have a change of scenery (she spent all of her time in that cabinet) and gladly accepted the invitation. The two turkeys followed along, even though they hadn't really been invited. 

The two pixie dolls hung out in Button's garden, chatting about everything. The Pilgrim told Button she wasn't REALLY a Pilgrim, she was a "decorative doll" meaning she stood around and looked pretty on a shelf, and this made sense to Button because she thought she really WAS quite a pretty doll. Though, Button suspected she would get bored just standing around all the time. 

She found out her new friend's name was Amelia, and the two talked late into the night. Far too late for Amelia to have returned to her shelf, so Button invited her to stay over! 

Button let Amelia sleep on the bed in her extra sleeping bag, and Button slept on the floor (Amelia was the guest, you know.)  The turkeys decided they should sleep in the tent too, but the girls disagreed. 

Having put the turkeys back outside, the girls settled in for the night. 

Though, I'm not sure they got a lot of sleep. I heard lots of laughing and I think they stayed up pretty late, telling each other stories and just enjoying having another dolly to talk to. 

The turkeys, however, did not settle in... and seemed none too pleased about being thrown out of the tent.... oh dear.... 

- Wendy 
Wylde Kingdom Miniatures

Thursday, November 24, 2022

Thanksgiving & The Doll in the Cabinet: Part 1

Button met a turkey!

But that's not her only adventure on this lovely Thanksgiving day. We were invited to hang out with my parents and my brother today for the holiday. So Button wandered around new places, like their kitchen.

And just around to see what there was to see. 

She got to pet some of my mom's horses. 

And was shocked when I showed here there were so many more (this is not nearly all of them).

Button decided that we would have to come back and see all the horses some other time, though. You see, while Button was wandering, she spied a cabinet full of beautiful things. 

And something in particular in that cabinet caught her eye.

Button was sure... absolutely POSITIVE that she saw a doll in that cabinet!!! A doll around her size! She was sure!!

And she was determined to find out! But first, we were called to dinner, and then we all watched a movie. But even after all that, Button was determined to see.... 

And I'll tell you what she saw tomorrow, because even as I type, this story is still unfolding.

Happy Thanksgiving, everyone! (Or happy Thursday, if you don't celebrate American Thanksgiving.) :)

- Wendy
Wylde Kingdom Miniatures

Wednesday, November 23, 2022

Button's Garden Update

 Button got a new bench for her garden, and seems quite pleased with it. 

She is also very pleased that her button seeds appear to be sprouting. 

I have never seen button seeds before, so I had no idea how this was going to go. 

Still no idea what they grow into, but we have sprouts! Button is also super excited that tomorrow, she'll be meeting my family and hanging out for Thanksgiving. I told her my mom has a bunch of horses (Button's size and a bit bigger) and she's very excited to see them.

Wishes for a Happy Thanksgiving, to our American friends. And a great Thursday to our friends in other places! 

- Wendy 
Wylde Kingdom Miniatures

Monday, November 21, 2022

Button on Magazine Mountain!

 Yesterday, boxes and boxes of dollhouse miniature magazines moved into the Wylde Kingdom.

Button immediately dove right in, which is quite a feat for a tiny dolly. 

Turns out, Button loves to read, and likes old magazines too. So that's a good thing to know about her. 

I love these old miniature magazines (even if they are quite dusty and making Button and I sneeze a lot). There are so many great ideas and so much inspiration in them. Oh sure, some of the tools and methods are a bit outdated, but the ideas are timeless! I'm looking through them looking for new projects. 

And so is Button. She homed right in on this sleigh for some reason. 

And it is super cute, but.... um.... Button doesn't actually have a horse to pull it or anything. It's also a big project, and we have eleventy million other things we need to be working on right now. 

She seemed pretty unconcerned when I pointed all of this out. So... yeah. 

We have a bunch of sorting to do, and then it's back to making stuff for the Denver Museum of Miniatures, Dolls and Toys "Little Show" (February 11th, 2023! Details here - The DMMDT Little Show

Hope your Monday is also great, even if it doesn't involve mountains or mountains of magazines (and hopefully not sneezing your head off from dust.) 

- Wendy 
Wylde Kingdom Miniatures

Saturday, November 19, 2022

Button's First Snow!

Button used to live in New Mexico, so she's never seen snow before. She was very excited when Colorado got a dusting of snow this morning and she asked to go out and see. 

She was super excited and seemed to enjoy all the fluffy snowflakes over everything. I took her up to a place where there was a little more accumulation. Maybe an inch or so. 

"It's almost up to my knees!" 

I don't know where Button heard about snow angels, but the next thing I knew, she had flopped down in the snow to make one. 

Looking back at her first ever snow angel, she seemed quite pleased with herself. 

But also maybe a little bit chilly and that was apparently enough snow for this first adventure. 

So we went back in. She changed out of her wet clothes into some warm jammies, and snuggled up in her sleeping bag for a little bit. 

She seems to have had a good time, and says she's excited for the next snowstorm. It's November in Colorado... I suspect she's going to have plenty more opportunities to play in the snow. :) 

Friday, November 18, 2022

A Package from Cousin Amaya!

 A package came in the mail today! For Button!

Her cousin Amaya in New Mexico sent her a present! Button was not excited about this AT ALL, as you can see.

Go ahead and open it, sweetheart!


What did you get, Button? 

Peanut M&Ms!! There's a story behind this, and yes they are Button's favorite candy. They also remind her of hanging out with Amaya.  Amaya had a whole wagon full of people sized, peanut M&Ms back home in New Mexico

And Button was really into it (and into it. LOL!) 

She immediately took the candy back to her home, and showed them to her teddy bear, and told him the whole story. 

Thank you so much, Amaya! For the memories and for the candies! 

- Wendy 
Wylde Kingdom Miniatures