Friday, December 30, 2022

New Dress = New Crochet Stuff!

 Button is a dolly who crochets, and she really seems to enjoy it. She made an afghan for her friend, Mina, for Christmas this year. 

That friend gave Button a new dress for Christmas. White with greenish blue polka dots! She loves it! And immediately crocheted some matching slippers and a cat hat. 

It's cold here in Colorado, and the snow is quite a bit taller than Button, so she decided she needed a matching shrug as well.

She insisted that the hat was PART of the ensemble, and couldn't be excluded. 

She is super cute in the whole outfit, even I had to tell her that with her shuffling around in all that yarn, she probably carries enough of a static charge that she's not allowed to wear it all together anywhere near my computer. 

She told me she was shocked. (-shaking my head-) I also mentioned it was a lot of blue in one outfit and she had a suggestion! Teddy bear hat!

I have no idea when she made that one, or where she is getting all this yarn. But okay. Teddy bear hat seems to go with EVERYTHING!  And Button agreed. 

"Oh!" she exclaimed, staring at her feet. "Teddy bear slippers!"

"I need teddy bear slippers to go with the hat! Of course!" Said Button, and she was off...

Bye, Button! I am looking forward to seeing teddy bear slippers, and who knows what else she'll come up with to crochet. 

Mina, thank you so much for the dress! She loves it!

And thank YOU for joining us for this adventure with Button and crochet. I wish you a wonderful day, and a very Happy New Year.

May you be as happy as a tiny dolly with a crochet hook who is making teddy bear shoes. :) 

- Wendy 
Wylde Kingdom Miniatures

Wednesday, December 28, 2022

Button and Christmas Presents

Christmas is over, and it was one of the loveliest ones in the Wylde Kingdom. We hope that yours was wonderful too!

Button was in a Christmas swap, through a Facebook group she's in. She knew that her present was going to be a little bit late, but said she didn't mind. Even though she was obsessively checking the tracking number and staring at the mailbox. 

Not that she had to wait long, though. It came the day after it was sent! Hooray for having a swap partner in the same state! LOL!  Since I was busy, she thought she'd just go get it herself.

About halfway down the driveway, I think she realized it was going to be a very, very long walk to the mailboxes. And that then it would be an EXTRA long walk back, dragging a package with her. So she wisely waited. 

My father is the primary mail gatherer, and she didn't have to wait long for him to go out and retrieve the mail for her. 

And once it was in the house, she could hardly wait to see her presents from her friend Mina.

Since it was after Christmas, it wasn't like she had to put them under the tree or wait. She decided she quite liked this aspect of post Christmas gifting. 

I carefully opened the box, thinking I was going to get adorable pictures of her opening each of her gifts. 

I was wrong. Once Button saw the Santa hat and the alpaca-corn (uni-paca?), it was all over.

Complete package unwrapping carnage ensued. 

She did hold still long enough for me to get a picture of her with her housewarming present from Mina. 

And then she, and the tiny alpaca-corn, were gone. Just wrapping paper and boxes left. 

I then understood why Mina's companion, Christa, had kindly sent me Stress Relief tea.

(Thank you for that, Christa. You're a sweetie.) 

I cleaned up a bit and found Button in the Dreamhouse Miniatures Test Kitchen, moving things around.

 She declared that her housewarming plant would be the first decorating in the new kitchen (I mean, I guess I thought my beautiful glass chicken collection made up the first decorations, but that's okay. :)  )


She found just the right place for it, and seemed quite pleased with herself. 

And she does look super cute in that hat and with the alpaca-corn. 

And now I think she's trying on the new clothes she got and trying to figure out just the right place to display the alpaca-corn. 

If you would like to see the presents that Button sent out to her cousin and her friend Mina, you can see them on their blogs, here:

Mina's Big Christmas

We hope that your Holidays were merry and bright, and all of us in the Wylde Kingdom wish you a very Happy New Year, in whatever scale you may be having it! 

- Wendy
Wylde Kingdom Miniatures

P.S. Button's tiny pink cat hat was a Christmas present from me. I made it from this pattern, that I found on Etsy. - Tiny Cat Hat Pattern on Etsy.

Wednesday, December 21, 2022

Keeping a Button Busy

Button is a joyful, curious little thing, and I love that about her. But her desire to be involved in EVERYTHING makes it difficult to get her Christmas presents together! So, I figured out just how to keep her busy for a little bit and asked her to bring her laptop and meet me in the Dreamhouse Miniatures* kitchen! 

She was very excited, and curious, when I told her I had a very, very important job for her. We need appliances and all the things that go into a kitchen, and I need HER to order them (since, judging from all the boxes that keep arriving for her, she clearly knows how to find and order stuff online.) 

She looked around, and I could hear her "hmm"-ing in a thoughtful manner. And then she got into it! 

She went to the fridge and seemed a bit horrified that I really don't know how old that salad is, or how long it's been in there. 

I could hear her whispering under her breath things like "Pots, and pans" and "maybe a muffin tin". 

She seemed to be having a grand time looking through all the drawers and cabinets and figuring out just what we would need. 

I told her that she should think of this as HER kitchen, and that she could get anything that she thought it would need. It would be for photography for our Etsy site, and for making the stuff we'd sell there. So everything she though should go in just the perfect kitchen! But to really give it some thought, and that there was no hurry. That she should really take her time with this. 

"Oh, well. Goodness" said, Button. "To really do this right? This could take all night!"  


And now, while she's focused on the kitchen, I am off to get some presents for Miss Button secretly sorted. Shhhh. Don't tell. :) 

- Wendy 
Wylde Kingdom Miniatures

* The kitchen was custom made by David of David's Dollhouse using the Housework cabinet and kitchen kits that he has available on his Etsy site - Dreamhouse Miniatures. Thus it is the Dreamhouse Miniatures kitchen. :) 

Tuesday, December 20, 2022

Christmas Decorating with Button

We've been so busy making stuff, and sending stuff, we haven't actually prepared or decorated for Christmas at all. So Button asked me if I had any Christmas decorations that were her size, and I did!

She sorted through all the stuff, looking for anything that would look nice on her tent. 

She was amazed by how shiny and sparkly everything was. I think Button -really- likes Christmas stuff. 

Once she'd found some things that thought might work, she focused on the giant box, labeled "FRAGILE" (frageeleey?)

Button set straight to opening up the box and discovering what was inside! 

And what she found, was a lampshade! 

Well, and that the lampshade went with a lamp! A leg lamp!

Before she came to live in the Wylde Kingdom, Button was asleep, in a box, for 15 years, and she's never seen the movie the leg lamp is from. But even without knowing the pop culture reference, Button thought the leg lamp was the most beautiful thing she'd ever seen. 

I told her that it needed batteries, and she said "Oh, okay!" and then set back to decorating her tent. I think she did a great job. 

A bit later, Button informed me that batteries were on their way. She had ordered them on Amazon and had them expedited. She was just so excited to see the lamp all lit up!

And when it got dark, she did! 

I think Button really is enjoying her first Christmas here in the Wylde Kingdom. So many thanks to my friend, Jessica, who made the leg lamp for the dolls here a long, long time ago. - The Leg Lamp at C&M December 19th, 2012

I wish you a holiday as happy as a tiny doll discovering a leg lamp. :) 

- Wendy
Wylde Kingdom Miniatures

Friday, December 16, 2022

Christmas Stuff and Visiting Amelia at Work

 Button has been super busy. Like, super, super busy. She's been corresponding with the doll who's going to help with the book store. And she's been busily getting presents ready for her friends for Christmas. Very busy.  She asked tonight if she could go visit Amelia and deliver her Christmas card, so we wandered upstairs.

It was the first time she's seen the Christmas tree all lit up at night. I think she was a little bit overwhelmed. 

But she said she had an important delivery to make before she could investigate the tree, so we wandered over to the cabinet where Amelia is. 

Button spotted Amelia right away, looking very festive in her cute Santa dress. She waved, but Amelia didn't seem to see her. 

She tried showing her that she had a Christmas card for her, but Amelia still didn't move at all. 

I opened the case for Button, and she ran right up to Amelia. 

Amelia still didn't say a word, or move, though, and this confused Button very much. She started doing a little sing songy "Aaaaaameeeeeleeeeaahhhhhh" over and over, which I think finally annoyed Amelia to the point she turned and looked at Button, with a very loud "SHHHH!"

Amelia explained that she was working, being a display doll, and so she couldn't move around or talk or anything. Button pointed out that no one was looking at her, so she could probably do whatever she wanted, or come with Button for some tea and Christmas candy. 

"No, no, no," said Amelia. "You don't understand. Even when no one is looking at you, you're still on display. Even when they're not looking at you, they remember that you're there, and so it's important that you are." 

"But, it's dark. It's night time. No one is looking at you," Button, insisted. 

"Well, they COULD BE" snapped Amelia, and she turned away and went stock still again. And she wouldn't speak anymore.

When Button realized that Amelia wasn't in a mood to talk anymore, she left her Christmas card and walked away. She was very quiet, and I thought she might be sad that Amelia was so serious about her job but.... 

... when I closed the case door, Button said "Oh, Amelia is so beautiful in her Christmas dress! She must be the most wonderful display doll EVER. She's so good at it!" and was just beaming with pride about her festive friend. 

And then she wanted to explore all the Christmas stuff. I told her it was late and dark, but we could explore a little bit. 

First she saw an Elf on the Shelf! 

Button was very confused because he wouldn't talk to her either. She asked if he was a display doll like her beautiful friend, Amelia, but he said that the last time he talked to one of my dolls, he got punched in his cute little nose. Button shrugged and on we went. 

She saw a cute little reindeer and asked if she could have her picture taken with her. 

And then it was on to the tree. Button was mesmerized, I think. 

Before I knew it, she had climbed up into the branches and was wandering around. I guess it's good she wore her sneakers! 

She said it was fun, but that her hair kept getting caught on the pine needles, and all of the ornaments were so shiny and everything was so bright... and then she looked down. 

Button said she suddenly felt very, very dizzy, and weird, like the feeling she gets when she eats too much candy. 

I gently picked her up out of the tree, and she said she felt better, deciding that she would rather enjoy the tree from out here, instead of IN the tree. 

I promised her that we could come back up in the next few days and explore all the Christmas stuff, and she thought that sounded grand, so we headed back home. 

Button immediately got on her laptop and informed me that she had quite a lot of work to do. When I asked, she said that feeling dizzy had made her think of candy, and she realized that since her presents to her cousin and her friend aren't going out until Monday, she had PLENTY of time to order MORE candy for them! (And maybe a little for her too.) 

And that's just what she did: Amaya and Mina, I apologize in advance for any dizziness caused by the sheer amount of candy Button may be ordering for you!

More Christmas exploring soon.