Lucky for me, I was able to find some of Button's things (I really thought I had packed them all away in moving boxes. I'm glad I was wrong). So I tried to put together her little shelf from before
I found the little tent that Leah had used back before all this, and the folding table and a chair. And I found her little garden bench too. Button seemed pleased as she checked it all out. She asked if she could have a second folding chair, for when we find Amelia, or if someone decided to come by.
So I found a second chair and that seemed to make Button happy.
Button told me where she had stashed some of the stuff from the Potion Shop (she'd hidden it behind the boots where she'd been living). Most importantly, she wanted her jammies, slippers and the books she'd packed.
She said she was looking forward to reading again (the light in the boot was not good for reading, I guess), but that she was very sleepy and falling asleep on an actual mattress sounded very nice. Reading would have to wait.
She got ready for bed and thanked me for finding Leah's little tent, but
asked that I please keep my eye out for the big tent, just in case Amelia turned up. I told her I thought I knew which box it was in, and if I couldn't find it, we could always make a new one. Either way, she should be safe from the chaos of moving if she stayed up on her shelf. A brief look of... concern?... crossed her little face, and then she nodded and said that sounded like a good idea.
She wandered into the tent, and closed the flap behind her. I could hear tiny rustling noises as she got into her sleeping bag, and shortly there were very soft snoring sounds. Button had fallen right to sleep.
I didn't tell Button, but I am a bit concerned about where Amelia could be. She should be out doing her display gig, and if she's not in the cabinet, I can't imagine where she could be. And, where is Leah, for that matter? Was that who was staying with her in the boot?
Well, after Button has gotten a good rest, I'll see if she's got any thoughts on where to look and if she'd maybe like to tell me who was using that 2nd sleeping bag. I'll let you know as soon as I do!
I am so very happy to have Button back on her shelf. I really missed her a bunch.
- Wendy