Tuesday, December 20, 2022

Christmas Decorating with Button

We've been so busy making stuff, and sending stuff, we haven't actually prepared or decorated for Christmas at all. So Button asked me if I had any Christmas decorations that were her size, and I did!

She sorted through all the stuff, looking for anything that would look nice on her tent. 

She was amazed by how shiny and sparkly everything was. I think Button -really- likes Christmas stuff. 

Once she'd found some things that thought might work, she focused on the giant box, labeled "FRAGILE" (frageeleey?)

Button set straight to opening up the box and discovering what was inside! 

And what she found, was a lampshade! 

Well, and that the lampshade went with a lamp! A leg lamp!

Before she came to live in the Wylde Kingdom, Button was asleep, in a box, for 15 years, and she's never seen the movie the leg lamp is from. But even without knowing the pop culture reference, Button thought the leg lamp was the most beautiful thing she'd ever seen. 

I told her that it needed batteries, and she said "Oh, okay!" and then set back to decorating her tent. I think she did a great job. 

A bit later, Button informed me that batteries were on their way. She had ordered them on Amazon and had them expedited. She was just so excited to see the lamp all lit up!

And when it got dark, she did! 

I think Button really is enjoying her first Christmas here in the Wylde Kingdom. So many thanks to my friend, Jessica, who made the leg lamp for the dolls here a long, long time ago. - The Leg Lamp at C&M December 19th, 2012

I wish you a holiday as happy as a tiny doll discovering a leg lamp. :) 

- Wendy
Wylde Kingdom Miniatures

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