Wednesday, December 28, 2022

Button and Christmas Presents

Christmas is over, and it was one of the loveliest ones in the Wylde Kingdom. We hope that yours was wonderful too!

Button was in a Christmas swap, through a Facebook group she's in. She knew that her present was going to be a little bit late, but said she didn't mind. Even though she was obsessively checking the tracking number and staring at the mailbox. 

Not that she had to wait long, though. It came the day after it was sent! Hooray for having a swap partner in the same state! LOL!  Since I was busy, she thought she'd just go get it herself.

About halfway down the driveway, I think she realized it was going to be a very, very long walk to the mailboxes. And that then it would be an EXTRA long walk back, dragging a package with her. So she wisely waited. 

My father is the primary mail gatherer, and she didn't have to wait long for him to go out and retrieve the mail for her. 

And once it was in the house, she could hardly wait to see her presents from her friend Mina.

Since it was after Christmas, it wasn't like she had to put them under the tree or wait. She decided she quite liked this aspect of post Christmas gifting. 

I carefully opened the box, thinking I was going to get adorable pictures of her opening each of her gifts. 

I was wrong. Once Button saw the Santa hat and the alpaca-corn (uni-paca?), it was all over.

Complete package unwrapping carnage ensued. 

She did hold still long enough for me to get a picture of her with her housewarming present from Mina. 

And then she, and the tiny alpaca-corn, were gone. Just wrapping paper and boxes left. 

I then understood why Mina's companion, Christa, had kindly sent me Stress Relief tea.

(Thank you for that, Christa. You're a sweetie.) 

I cleaned up a bit and found Button in the Dreamhouse Miniatures Test Kitchen, moving things around.

 She declared that her housewarming plant would be the first decorating in the new kitchen (I mean, I guess I thought my beautiful glass chicken collection made up the first decorations, but that's okay. :)  )


She found just the right place for it, and seemed quite pleased with herself. 

And she does look super cute in that hat and with the alpaca-corn. 

And now I think she's trying on the new clothes she got and trying to figure out just the right place to display the alpaca-corn. 

If you would like to see the presents that Button sent out to her cousin and her friend Mina, you can see them on their blogs, here:

Mina's Big Christmas

We hope that your Holidays were merry and bright, and all of us in the Wylde Kingdom wish you a very Happy New Year, in whatever scale you may be having it! 

- Wendy
Wylde Kingdom Miniatures

P.S. Button's tiny pink cat hat was a Christmas present from me. I made it from this pattern, that I found on Etsy. - Tiny Cat Hat Pattern on Etsy.

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