Hi to anyone still looking at this page. So... when things get weird in my life, I hide behind dolls and toys. I've done it off and on for years. Miranda.... before her there was Gage... yeah. It's something I do.
So, Button is back.
She's been hanging out with me and helping with Wylde Kingdom Miniatures stuff. You might see more of her. You might not. I don't know how to play anymore. We'll figure it out.

Anyway, she needed a better place to sleep, and I found this awesome tent on Etsy from BevSoCuteBotique, and I HIGHLY recommend her stuff. This tent is AMAZING! Button is getting moved into it now, and it's spacious and so cute. I think she likes it. The price is great, the quality is incredible. I am just amazed.
If no one is watching this page, that's okay too. It's mostly just here for me to post pictures of my dolly, and so I shall. 

- Wendy
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